Sunday, September 6, 2009

movie saturday

Yesterday D and I went to a matinee, to see Julie and Julia. I loved it. I've read Julie Powell's book but I like the movie a lot better and the Meryl Streep/Julia Child bits were fantastic. We can't remember the last time we saw a movie in the theatre so it was awesome to get out. We could have done without the 20 minutes of trailers beforehand tho'! Thanks to Auntie K who played with T and took him to ride the train - twice. He rode the steam train but after his two rides thought he wanted a ride on the diesel train - next time. We all had dinner together (thanks K!) while T watched Cars on DVD - I had been saving that DVD for just this type of occasion.

T started back at preschool on Thursday. He didn't understand why the preschool day was so short - Thursday 1 hour, Friday 1 1/2 hours, on Tuesday it will be up to 2 hours 40 minutes as per usual. Mrs G tried to explain that the new children needed to ease into preschool and get used to it so that was why it was less time than normal and T kept saying "I don't understand". He was very happy on Thursday morning because he got to watch a backhoe on the way into preschool - pure 3 1/2 year old joy!

Busy morning this morning. We did art (painting),
and played Bob with the trucks, T sang the Bob the Builder theme song the whole time he painted and played trucks.
Now we are off shopping, going to the market, going to the art store for more paper, and then to the park to feed the ducks and to play. Hopefully it won't be raining at the park - T won't mind but I would rather not stand around in the rain.

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