Friday, September 11, 2009

bye bye soo soo

The soo soo fairy came a visiting at our house last night. And left T a backhoe.
He's very excited and as I write this is snuggling up with D and the backhoe on his way to sleep. We have been soo soo (soother) free for 4 nights now - something I did not imagine was possible. We came up with the soo soo fairy a few weeks ago and have been talking it up with T since then but left it up to him to make the decision. Until I looked at his soo soo the other morning and it was completely toast. So it had to go and we didn't have any others besides his baby teething ones so it was crunch time. We didn't say anything about the soo soo fairy until last night - just that his old soo soo was destroyed and had to be thrown away and there weren't anymore soo soos - just his baby ones. Fortunately he didn't want his baby ones - he's a big boy (yes!). It hasn't been too bad, T is sleeping as usual, the only crisis was Wednesday morning when he was crying and wouldn't be soothed. He was scared about something but the soo soo coping mechanism was gone and we have to help him with that piece. But the soo soo is no longer required for going to sleep! And last night we tucked the baby soo soo under his pillow for the soo soo fairy and tonight (we forgot to check this morning) T found the backhoe. Complete little boy joy! And proud mummy and daddy!

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