Sunday, September 30, 2012

running for mum

Today was the 2012 edition of the Run for the Cure - a 5K run/walk to raise money for Breast Cancer research and treatment. I signed up a couple of months ago and this morning I nervously paced, waiting for my support team (husband and boy) to drop me off near the start line.

nervous, at home
This week, the hardest part hasn't been the physical preparation, it has been the emotional impact. I've had a big lump in my throat all weekend. This year's T-shirt says - "who are you running for?" In my square, I wrote "Diana (Mum)". And today, I did, what at my current age, she would have been unable to do. I ran and walked a 5K course. Because when she was my age, she was in the last stages of her fight to live.

In a sea of pink, waiting for the start
Fortunately I started fairly close to the front, in the jogging section of the start. I ran for the first 5 minutes, slowly, as there was a huge mass of people. Gradually the mass thinned out and I was able to keep to my race plan - 1 minute run, 1 minute walk for 18 minutes. I pretty much walked the rest of the way, running a few more times - in front of the TV studio where my husband works and where he and the boy were camped out ready to wave to me. I ran down the bridge ramp into the home stretch of the run and of course, across the finish line. The only milage sign I saw, was the 4 KM sign in the middle of the bridge. I was completely overwhelmed with emotion, running and walking in a mass of people, running for and with cancer survivors and in memory of those who's lives were cut short by this disease - in a sea of pink. I've been so lucky to have my support team, who donated to the cause in my name and who texted, emailed, called and cheered for me, leading up to today. Thanks to all my cheering section!

I did it!

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