Saturday, May 7, 2011


It has been spring for a month and a half now, at least according to the calendar. But it has been cold and wet and unspringlike since the calendar announced it's arrival. There have been a few lovely days of sunshine. And I've planted my cold weather crops - the radish, chard, spinach and potatoes are peeking their way out of the ground. It is still too cold for tomatoes, zucchini and basil still. I bought basil a few weeks ago and it has already died. Sigh. To make it feel more springlike inside, we've had lots of field daffodils.

The flowers don't seem to mind the rain.

star magnolia in bloom
They are still showing their lovely colours

tulips in the back garden

tulips by the door

and the rain is sending cherry blossom snow across our backyard today. Everywhere the trees and shrubs are putting on their greenery and in a few months we will miss this green, when everything is parched in the summer sun (hopefully!).

Spring inspired supper a few nights ago. I pulled out some olive and feta ravioli and made a quick sauce using shallots, peas, roasted asparagus, parmesan, pasta water and a dash of cream.

 And for dessert, I made a roasted rhubard and strawberry almond crumble. First I took an idea from here, roasting the rhubard with sugar and vanilla for an hour, before adding the strawberries and almonds

 and then topping with a mix of brown sugar, flour, baking powder, butter and sliced almonds and baking for 30 minutes until brown and bubbly.

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