Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a boy gets mail

Yesterday was an exciting day for our boy. I opened the mailbox when we got home and discovered a letter from Santa for T. How very exciting! Santa had replied to T’s letter letting him know he read his letter to Rudolph and the other reindeer and all about the new elf at the workshop – Henry – who writes poems (and sings and laughs and is good at making toys). I don’t know if other countries do this but this service is courtesy of Canada Post – any child can mail a letter to Santa Claus, the North Pole, H0H 0H0 (cute, huh?) and they will get a letter back from Santa. So a big thank you to the volunteers at Canada Post that make this possible and making my boy’s day so special.

T also got his very own Christmas card from his Auntie. Just for him, so we put it up in his bedroom.

Every morning since last Friday T has said “Mummy (or Daddy) – there are none presents under my tree”. To which we reply – it’s not Christmas yet – there are 5 (4) days to go. We have a couple of advent calendars to help count down the days but T opened all the windows on the games one and on the quilted one, has not been keeping up with the counting down. He was excited at first and tried to hurry things along by putting up 10 ornaments at once…but since that didn’t change the calendar, he hasn’t been so interested in that one.

But he is a very excited boy. Every night it is a struggle to get him into bed – “I’m not sleeping until Christmas comes”. I have explained that Christmas will get here quicker if he sleeps every night but it’s hard to sleep when you are listening for reindeer on the roof.

Meanwhile, I’m counting down the days as well. My desk at work is covered in paper and my motivation level is a bit low. I try not to think of all the wrapping and baking I could be doing. But as I am completely stuffed up with a cold, which T shared with me, I doubt I would be as energetic as I might wish. Still. I’m counting my blessings and thankful I’m not waiting on a flight somewhere to or from Europe, grateful that we’ll be home for Christmas – albeit a green one, if the forecast holds.

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