Saturday, September 18, 2010

another peach pie

I made another version of peach pie the other night and the concensus is that this one is better than the peach struesel pie, that I baked earlier this week. My tasting panel was my two co-workers who have bravely eaten peach pie for my selfish blogging purposes. Although I didn't notice too much complaining. D hasn't been complaining too much either. Except that a couple of his co-workers sometimes read this and are telling him he's pampered by all my food. (Thanks for reading J and K!)

So for this version of peach pie I used the same start off recipe as last time - this peach pie from sassy radish. One day I may get around to making a form of honey bourbon caramel sauce - one day. Maybe. When I get some bourbon.

Peach Lattice Top Pie (adapted from sassy radish)
all butter pastry dough, enough for a double crust (I used the recipe on sassy radish but added 1 tsp vanilla)

3 lbs peaches, sliced
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 1/2 tbsp flour
2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
grating of fresh nutmeg
1/4 c sugar
1/4 c peach honey (any honey will do)
sanding sugar

Preheat oven to 425 deg F. Make pastry and roll out half of the pastry dough and fit into a pie plate. Fold down the edges so they line up with the top of the pie plate and make a pretty edging. Toss the sliced peaches, cornstarch, flour, lemon juice, spices, sugar and honey into a bowl and mix well. Mound the filling into the pie. Roll out the remaining pastry and cut into strips - I used 6. Lay them over the pie

and weave into a lattice top, tucking the pastry ends into the edge of the crust.

Sprinkle the top with sanding sugar. Bake at 425 deg F for 20 minutes on a baking sheet and then turn the oven down to 375 deg F and bake for a further 40-50 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Cool on a rack for a few hours.

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