Sunday, March 7, 2010

friday night supper

After a busy week, I was out of inspiration for when supper time rolled around on Friday night. Added to that was that we had eaten our regular Friday night fare - chicken strips and fries on Monday night on my last late shift and I wanted something different. So I made cheese and mushroom risotto. I sauted some onion and sliced mushrooms in a pat of butter over medium heat.
Once they were soft, I added 2 cups of arborio rice and cooked the rice for about 5 minutes. Then I added the first of 4 cups of vegetable stock and stirred. I added the stock in 1 cup intervals because I was trying to do other things around the kitchen so I didn't stir as much as you should with risotto. After 4 cups of broth, I added ~ 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese,
~ 1 tsp of mustard powder, a splash of cream and served with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese.
Yummy comfort food!

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