Tuesday, January 19, 2010


T was a shivery boy on Saturday. In the morning, it wasn’t raining so he went outside to dig with his trucks. I put him into his snow pants and boots and he wore his new hoodie and one of his new hats to keep warm. He kept running in with dirty trucks for me to wash and dry – mummy’s truck wash service – as they don’t work well when they are very dirty. After a while he came back in, saying he was “shivery”. I said I would get a warmer jacket for him to wear but he said “no thanks” and shucked boots and pants, hoodie and hat and ran inside, leaving a dirty pile of clothes and mud all over the kitchen floor.

Later, at lunch, he stopped eating his candy cane ice cream, complaining “it’s making my teeth shivery”. Ok. Did he want to give the ice cream to Daddy to eat? “No”. He waited until it was soupy ice cream and then ate it and there were no more shivery teeth issues.

How to make Candy Cane Ice Cream (curtesy of my sister-in-law, Kerry)

1 tub good vanilla ice cream
A quantity of broken up candy canes

Mix together until desired taste and consistency is reached. Keep frozen.

You may remember these mittens.

They have been given to their intended recipient – T’s little girlfriend, C. According to her mum, C loves them. Says they are “fashionista!” (She’s 3!)

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