Friday, May 29, 2009

talking to the animals

T was so happy to see the cows in the field behind my brother's new (newish) house - as promised. And the day after we arrived, while I went shopping with C, D took T across the river to meet the cows in their field. He said the same thing to each cow - "Hello Mr Cow and how are you today."
None of the cows approached or spoke (mooed?) back so T was a bit disappointed.

We took all the boys to the Cotswold Wildlife Park - the day was cloudy and overcast when we left but sunny and hot by the time we reached the park. We looked around at the tortoises, camels (shedding coats in bizarre patterns), zebras, rhino, lions, leopard, mongoose, ostrich, emus, owls, falcons, kestrels, monkeys and then went into the walled garden where the penquins and otters and various birds live. T loved the penquins (pink ones) and wanted to climb into the enclosure.

He talked to one penquin - "hello Mr penquin. How are you today? Why don't you want to go swimming - I'm sure the water isn't too cold." After the penquins and otters, we went to the slide and the carousel, more monkeys, snakes and lizards. T even pet a python!

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